Monday, July 12, 2010

Having affairs and counting things.

so im goin to a counting crows concert on thursday. WHAT?!!! and guess what else chaps? im goin'
FO FREE. (dont ask, i just have people. ;))

surprisingly, im excited.
ahhh memories; back in 2002 (or 3?) strollin' in my car singin' "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot." again and again on mainstream radio...yeah those were the days.

apart from that; ive been quite busy with dance and decision making.

oh and sorry about that rant before, the "poet" inside of me wanted to write and for some odd reason mr. and ms. paper and pen had sprouted legs and went on a hike in the mountains. so i used da internets.

anyway, ill be sure to post some stuff from the concert...if you want. i mean, yeah i know its one of those dread-wearin lead singer, 50 different people in the group (every so many years), soundtrackin' for shrek, american bands but i suppose its good to be open minded ya know? i havent listened to them since the early 2000's so it'll be good to hear them yet again.

well, i guess i just lost quite a percentage of my readers. (and who knows how low a number that could be...)

and now its time for RECOMENDATIONS!
(oh dear.)

so if your bloody tired of itunes i think going to these two sites that amp up the underground/alternative music scene to a whole new level of wickedness might be of interest to you (you ain't gonna find any britney spears on these here sites.)
the reviews on the albums are absolutely wicked. usually you read a review and youre like "okay, yeah, thats nice..." but the exquisite wording and expressiveness in these reviews is almost scary cuz its so good. the reviews are just..captivating. am i over exaggerating? oh fuck it just go look at the site.
from flying lotus to chk chk chk or urban tribe. its all up there. beats, beats, and not to mention BEATS. electronica, funk/jazz (even disco!) its all there for thou enjoyment.

and of course theres sad steve if youre broke.

i apologize if these recomendations caused anyone pain or injury.

and now i must leave you. i have quite a lot of things to do ya know. ranging from drawing horrible pictures of people who are asleep to stuffing my face with brownies and prank calling my old teachers from grade school. AHH SO MUCH TO DO!!

        until next time.


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