Hmm okay so this summers been a pretty
shitty interesting one, thats for sure. But what were the things that kept me somewhat sane while I locked myself in my room all day? Instead of falling into the trap of working at some shitty local dance studio, not enhancing my artistic capabilities or license whatsoever, I decided to sleep all day and surf the web. And I discovered some pretty cool stuff in the process. This summer could've been a lot worse, and I couldve come out A LOT fatter, but I did alright..i guess. All I know is, I'm never spending a summer at home EVER AGAIN, even if that means fucking living out on the street for 3 months begging for food and money. I'm not putting myself into this depression anymore. It's a fucking nightmare being here.
-This is something I just found today. Just look at this video...this is why Thom is my
main fuckin man. He was really sweaty on stage so he, erm,
took care of it...
-After having started this blog like 3 years ago, I realized this summer that blogspot could not be more "yesterday." These days its all about Tumblr. There seems to be a tumblr for just about anything and everything imaginable. Celebrity crushes, fashion, food, music, anorexia... I do indeed have a tumblr, but I never update it. And I still have my blogspot which is still somewhat relevant I guess, so what the hell. Might as well keep it up.
Here are a few that I seem to check at unhealthy amounts:
A blog that analyses my favorite band radiohead down to shit like "thom yorke cuts his shirts at the sleeves and bottom sometimes because they are to big for him." ?!? Like, I wouldve NEVER noticed that..this girls basically got no life, or rather, her life is radiohead. Which I fucking love.
nyane-duro-nervioso and
These two blogs are basically the same, except the first one belongs to this AMAZING english black girl, Nyane, who is basically the poster child for indie tumblrs, and her AMAZING style. The the second belongs to both her and her still very stylish, but slightly less-amazing sister, Mpho. She still brings a lot to the table though. Basically these two South African and British beauties are the epitome of what I want my style to look like, Grungy and vintage but still with a sophisticated edge. London 2012!
Harry, Be Safe. Be Strong.
This tumblr is like hipster central, but gosh darn, does it have some awesome pictures. Young people living life, being awesome, partying, and just being as indie as humanly possible. This blog inspires me to go out there and just have a good fucking time and be the coolest and most free-spirited person around. Conservative? Me sorry, I no understand that word.
So I was getting into the grunge scene quite a bit last summer and my angsty, sligtly depressive state this summer has only driven my love for it more. And what screams angst more that grunge/garage rock? Luckily I have not fallen into the trap of getting into Nirvana (yet), but the bands and albums I've had on repeat this summer still stand in line as pioneers for their genre, and are a lot less cliche.
1) The Smashing Pumpkins
Leaders of the alternative rock scene in the 90's, this band takes influences from hardcore metal to psychedelic and glam pop to create a rock sound like no other. Obscured guitars along with Billy Corgan's unique vocal sound give me a headache in the most beautiful way possible. My favorite tracks are 'Today' (as seen in an earlier post), 'Obscured', and '1979' (a cult classic), among many others. All their stuff is available on the magnificent Spotify and surely are a quick search away on YouTube.
2) The Pixies
Oh geez, what can I say about the pixies. Talk about pioneers, theyre one of the best bands to ever have come around. I've always liked them and listened to their album 'Debaser' on the regular. But then, I actually sat down and listened to 1988's 'Surfer Rosa' (while high) and my brain went nuts. The melodies are kinda sexual if you ask me, and Black's screaming voice along with Kim Deal's pretty back up vocals are the cherry on top of a perfect sundae of an album. It has a sound like nothing you've ever heard before from a garage rock band. I cant help but headbang or imagine myself onstage singing with a stage boner when I listen to it. All their other stuff is just as great, but you have not experienced the full awesomeness of the pixies until you've listened to Surfer. Also available on the God send that is Spotify.
3) My Bloody Valentine
I thought one of my favorite bands 'Slowdive' were the epitome of the "shoe-gazer" genre (which to me is quite an underrated genre) of the 90's, but I was HUGELY mistaken after I finally got into My Bloody Valentine. Hell, they created the genre and Slowdive was influenced by them! They still get the silver, though (London 2012!). My Bloody Valentine's first album 1988's 'Isn't Anything' was good, but their second album 1990's 'Loveless' takes the cake as one of the greatest albums of the 90's, and revolutionized the alternative rock scene with the shoe-gazer genre. This album is has a tight and cohesive sound; beauty with an edge. I sit in my room and imagine riding my bike through a field of lilies, or making out with a hot blipster man in a vast ocean somewhere...(i have a vivid imagination, if you havent noticed already). And you guessed it, the whole things on Spotifyyy.
Phew! I guess it doesnt seem like a lot reading it (or maybe it does..), but that was a fucking exhausting post to create. But its worth it. I enjoy telling my 0 readers what I'm into. Somehow I feel like I did my part to expand the worlds knowledge of these very important things, and that makes me feel really good inside, cuz my taste are just impeccable, aren't they? *pats self on the back*
(...end of obvious attempt at a confidence booster.)
Now I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette and try not to think about food.
"Goodnight, to every little hour that you sleep tight. May it hold you through the winter of a long night. And keep you from the loneliness of yourself."~
LONDON 2012!! :) |
sweet dreams, chaps.