Great news, chaps!
Remember me telling you about that Radiohead concert to raise money for haiti in LA?
well, it was a HUGE SUCCESS!
(who would have thunk)
Turns out the band raised over 500,000 smackaroos, with the highest bid being $2000. Damn.
can you say "loyal fans?"
yeah, so you can suck on that Bono....anyway...
Here are some nifty pics from the event; theyre quite amusing actually.

On top of that, they played one of my new favorites "Lotus Flower," which Thom debuted at his solo concerts in October 2009. It hasn't been released yet, but it is predicted that it will be on their new album that they're working on now. I fell in love instantly when I first heard it.
And for your viewing pleasures, heres a nice video of "Lotus Flower" from the concert yesterday.
thats right, get aroused:
yeah, I knew it...
you just did one in your pants didn't you? figures.
"Slowly we unfoldas lotus flowers;And all I want is the moon upon a stickJust to see what if,just to see what is."
I reckon ill be seein' yall again, yu hur?