Monday, January 25, 2010

Funny Shaped Heads.

Great news, chaps!

Remember me telling you about that Radiohead concert to raise money for haiti in LA?

well, it was a HUGE SUCCESS!
(who would have thunk)

Turns out the band raised over 500,000 smackaroos, with the highest bid being $2000. Damn.

can you say "loyal fans?"

yeah, so you can suck on that Bono....anyway...

Here are some nifty pics from the event; theyre quite amusing actually.

On top of that, they played one of my new favorites "Lotus Flower," which Thom debuted at his solo concerts in October 2009. It hasn't been released yet, but it is predicted that it will be on their new album that they're working on now. I fell in love instantly when I first heard it.

And for your viewing pleasures, heres a nice video of "Lotus Flower" from the concert yesterday.
thats right, get aroused:

yeah, I knew it...
you just did one in your pants didn't you? figures.

"Slowly we unfold
as lotus flowers;
And all I want is the moon upon a stick
Just to see what if,
just to see what is."

I reckon ill be seein' yall again, yu hur?


"Where I End and You Begin."

Sitting here listening to the heavy rain run off of my window pain, I get to thinking...when is this all gonna end? All of this hard work, i mean. when is it going to be easy? I think back on the past and realize how many nights ive pulled all-nighters or have stressed out so much that I couldn't sleep. And for what? To live the good life in the future? Bull Shit. Everything that I have to do right know is not advancing my future because, to be blunt, NO ONE CAN PREDICT THE FUTURE.

The future could hold something that no one could have ever predicted or foresee. Something that could change our lives forever. Everything we hold near and dear means nothing in the end. Why do we have to worry so much about planning ahead? Why do we have to sit at home and cry because we didnt get something we wanted, while people are sitting out there with nothing and are the happiest people alive? Our idea of happiness and prosperity have all been turned into material things and wants.

"when you grow up, maybe you'll have a huge mansion and 15 cars, and you'll be a smart CEO of a company and make lots of money and you can do whatever you want," Mummy says.

Is that all we want these days?

"Study hard and get good grades in school and go to a good university and you can have and do whatever you want," daddy says.

What if you have a learning disability, does that mean your fucked for life? What if you are a terrible test taker? does that mean that you wont go to a good college? Why do people believe that your whole future depends on a test score? why do things have to be that way? Some of the most successful people in the world didnt finish school or get a degree. Were they doomed for life? i dont think so...

I have met people with dyslexia, autism, down syndrome, etc. and they are some of the smartest people I know. people look down on them saying they're stupid and will never amount to anything. But they have some of the brightest minds that are open to so many new things.
Some of the greatest minds have had disabilities or setbacks in their life. Albert Einstein was terrible at math, Beethoven was deaf, and Steven Hawking was completely paralyzed, just to name a few. People said that they couldnt do it, people said that their future looked grim and they wouldnt have anything in life, but look at them now, they are some of the smartest people to ever have lived.

All I'm trying to say is, what the hell is it all for? why are we preparing and worrying over all of this? In my future, I want to be happy and not look back and ask myself why I was so stressed over something that wasnt worth stressing over in the end. I want to be wise and have an open mind to learning new and interesting things and cultures, not forced into learning something to have a bloody test on at the end of the week. I want to experience true love, I want to travel the world. I dont want my life to be restricted by money or how bad or good I did in school. Because if the world ended tomorrow, billions of people will leave this world trapped by the lies of the "get rich or die tryin'" mentality, billions of people will leave wishing they had gone to play outside instead of sitting inside studying for a entrance exam. billions of people will leave this world with all of the money and things one could ever imagine, wishing they could give it all up for a happier life.

We all have regrets, but ones that only form if we stop ourselves from doing what we truly want to do in life. Do what you want to do today because time is running out. We dont have a set future, but we do have a set present; a set now.

Live your life now and have no regrets, and in the end, it'll make all the difference.

"And we all went to heaven in a little row boat.
There was nothing to fear, nothing to doubt."




Friday, January 22, 2010

What's That, Mate?

News, All!!

We all know about the devastating events that have happened in Haiti in the past few days, and alot of celebrities are reaching out to help. One group in particular, Radiohead, is having a live concert this Sunday night at 7:00 at the Music Box Theatre at The Fonda in Los Angeles, California. All profits will go to the Oxfam Haiti Relief Fund.

git yo tickets hur dudes.

Also, if youre into mainstream shit...

In America, George Clooney is hosting a live benefit concert with a whole lot of big celebrities attending and performing. it starts TONIGHT at 8:00 ET. so stop surfing the net, get off your booty, and go watch it.

if you're in to that kind of thing anyway...

if you would like donate directly to Haiti funds yourself here's a website that'll help you out with that.

it's really good site with lots of info. DONATE NOW.


So how are those resolutions comin' along?
do i even have to ask...

...yeah, i figured.

I'm bloody tired, sore from dancing, and I need a holiday.

Other Stuff:
Here are some nice songs to get the z's goin':

"Nice Dream" by Radiohead, for the nightmares...
"Sleep" by Azure Ray, for the depressed insomniacs
"Aunties Lock/Infinitum" by Flying Lotus, trippy.

happy sleeping.

"Has the light gone out for you?
Because the light has gone out for me."

oh and i also took a trip to the public library...


oh, one more thing...
ok, so I know its been a few days since I posted a blog but, what can I say folks, I have a life, as well as shit to do while in that life. so quit bitchin' yo.


Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions?


Why, hello there. here are what some New Year's kick-off celebrations look like around the world. From the left, it's Tokyo, Japan, Sydney, Australia, and London, England is on the right.
pretty nifty, eh?

well dudes, we've made it to another year. personally i hope that i can manage to accomplish all of the things i have set to accomplish in "resolution land" this year. To be quite honest, i have never been one to set those bloody NYR's, i mean, all they end up being are just promises you can't keep.

You can't suddenly say "im gonna quit smoking" or something like that just because the clock struck midnight. come on, get real.

The 1st of January seems to be the dictator here, forcing you to change your ways with a 60 second warning.

...that's what it would say i suppose.

Sorry im being such a gloom monger, he he.

But positively speaking, resolutions are good to set
if youre actually going to abide by them.... (oh damn, back to negative again! sorry.)

have a serious problem with keeping your word on resolutions that are hard to break? here are some easier resolutions that you might have more chances of keeping:

-spend more time watching the telly.
-watch more movies.
-chat more over the phone/internet.
-read less.
-gain weight. put on at least 30 pounds.
-stop exercising. waste of time.
-procrastinate more.
-drink again.
-drink some more.
-start being superstitious.
-spend less time at work.
-splurge more.
-take up a new habit. maybe smoking... or something.

hope those work out for ya.

if i did have any resolutions they would probably be...hmm...uhh..
-do more to reduce my carbon footprint.
-work on time managment skills.
-stay more up to date on current events
-avoid the evil doer: THE CARBOHYDRATE.
-daily meditation/reflection.
-never set resolutions again...

yeah enough of that crap.

 i hope everyone partied extra hard this new years eve (i know i did.)


and yes, i know. it's a big ass bottle of wine.
best wishes for the new year!
